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Client Experiences and Testimonials


"Hi Jill! Well, today you are my hero! One of our 5 year-olds had a big seizure today during lunch. The teachers looked over and saw her slumped in her seat and thought she was choking. Immediately I heard your voice saying, “Assess the situation, check for pulse, check for breath, call 911…..” As I took her from them I could tell she was breathing, but convulsing. Thinking back through your training kept me calm and controlled. Our little friend is now fine. Thanks for the amazing training you gave my staff. We were all able to do exactly what we were supposed to do. Your calm, caring demeanor in teaching carries over to your students in a true emergency!"

- Michele, Director - Colonial CDC Preschool, Overland Park, KS 


"Hello Jill, This is Dr. Hammond and you came and trained myself and my team on CPR a few years ago. 2 Friday’s ago, my wife got choked on a chip and totally lost consciousness, due to choking. Thanks to your training I finally dislodged the chip enough to allow her to breath and gain consciousness. Not sure if you hear it much…………….but THANK YOU for your training. I’d had the training, but having you come into our office every couple of years to reiterate the correct protocol saved her life. Thanks"

- Dr. Hammond  


"Hi Jill. I want to thank you for teaching the class and doing it so well! I really appreciate how you presented so much information in a concise, practical, and effective manner. You made the class very interesting and valuable. I am one of those physicians that does not need to be CPR certified because I practice all out-patient Family Medicine. It was very helpful to learn the new recommendations and the advances made in understanding the priorities of resuscitation. Thanks again for what you do!"

- Nora Gomez MD 

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